Care Instructions for your Stoverink Board or Block

CARDINAL RULES for taking care of your block.(they’re easy):


1) INFORM YOUR HOUSEKEEPER: Never use the dishwasher to clean your block.

2) WASH BOTH SIDES: If the block needs cleaning, hand wash BOTH SIDES with dish soap and water, even if you only used one side.

3) DRY BOTH SIDES: Hand dry both sides thoroughly after cleaning. Allow the board to finish drying ON ITS SIDE, on a DRY surface.

4) OIL BOTH SIDES: Re-oil with cutting board mineral oil or cutting board conditioner if the board looks dry. (You can’t overdo this step and it’s fun.) Do this once a month at a minimum.

Thank you for purchasing one of my boards and blocks. I want it to last for you for years to come and be a part of your cooking memories. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Instagram(@stoverink), Facebook(Stoverink) or email(


Stoverink Cutting Boards and Chopping Blocks
“You Don’t Put Them Away”